Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Seeking knowledge

I don't usually go for agama classes or talks whether at the mosque, madrasah or even in the office. Its not a habit of mine, because somehow I don't find them interesting. So far, the ustaz or ustazah have not managed to keep my interest going.... Entah lah.

But, then I did managed to spend a total of 4 semesters at UIA to learn from the very basic, reading/reciting the Al-Quran. It was important to me to learn to correctly read the Quran. Then, I continued a weekly class of tajweed at the office, then they started to introduce Arabic also at the office.  Its been a year but I really don't see any progress in my Arabic basically because there's no requirement to converse in Arabic here. So macamana nak maju kan? Well I'm keeping at it anyway.  Hopefully, evenly if I can't converse, if I can make out a little of what I'm reading (the Quran) that's very good already.

Then early this year, I was introduced to the Al-Kauthar Institute. The Institute aims of developing a world class Islamic learning institute, providing professional, refreshing courses which will touch the hearts and revive the souls. I really enjoyed their theoretical and practical approaches to Islamic knowledge. So far, from my point of view, the Al-Kauthar Institute have managed to deliver exciting weekend short courses which enlightens our mind and ease the path to agama knowledge. Their academic and scientific approach is really my cup of tea.

I first attended their Out of Sight course in Feb 2011. Class was at UM (wahhh.. rasa macam siswi UM la for that 2 days, keluar masuk kampus, hehehe). This course was on the Belief in Angels, Jinns and Ain. I learned so much especially on Jinns and Ain. Ain was something new to me. Of course its been around forever, more known as hasad dengki!  The presenter, Ustaz Yahya Ibrahim delivered a lively class and shared so much with us. I paid Rm250 for this 2 day class and it was money and time well spent. No regrets.

The cute and jovial, Ustaz Yahya Ibrahim. Born in Canada, of Egypton parents if I'm not mistaken, began memorising the Qur’an at the age of 16 and finished 20 months later, receiving an ijazah (certification). He began lecturing at the main mosques in Toronto at the age of 17. Now lives in Australia.

Last week, I joined another class. this time its the Chronicles of the Shariah. The 2 day class covers the evolution of the fiqah, from the days of the Prophets, his Companions, the successors, and so on, right up the formation of the 4 Imams and their Mahzhabs.  Every condensed, so much to learn so little time! The first day especially was a little heavy. It was on the whole historical facts, the chains of events that eventually leads to the formation of the 4 Mahzhabs that we know today. 

The lecture was presented by the very knowledgeable Shaik Isam Rajab. He can't help it but was a little tad to technical especially on the first day. On the second day was much more interesting because now we were into the history of the 4 Imams and the formation of the 4 Mahzhabs. So enlightening...

Shaykh Dr. Isam Rajab, a classically trained scholar. Shaikh Isam was born in Kuwait and graduated with a BA in Shari'ah from the Islamic University of Madinah. He holds a Masters and Ph.D in Islamic Studies. He has over 10 years of experience as an Imam in the US and Kuwait. Specialized and licensed in the Inheritance system of Islam, . He has 2 Ijazas in memorizing the Quran and is the author of a book about the Qira'at of the Qur'an.

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