Monday, January 11, 2010

Blog hopping.. the blogs that started it all

Kak Teh's story ( on passing of her primary school bff is so touching, so sad.  Its so great that their friendship lasted for so long.  It was through FB that I'd found a friend from my primary school!  So now, I have one in contact.  But where are the others?  I have another whom I've keep in contact via letters and cards.  No more letters nowadays, but at least, hari raya cards once a year.  The others?  god knows, they didn't even reply to my Hari Raya cards. How to keep in touch like this, communication is 2-ways, they need play a role.  Am so sad...

"There is melancholy in the wind and sorrow in the grass," so says Charles Kuralt. (Not that I know who he was.)

My interest in bloggings started a few year back. I don't remember how I started reading blogs. I don't even remember how I got introducted to the first blog that I read. But I began reading them regularly. And I would think to myself, wow, these ppl are so good at writing and their lives are so interesting that they can write their stories down almost everyday.  And they got lots and lots of ideas to start with.  The first ever blog that I followed was by a chinese doctor, Dr Liew (  For an MD, our Dr is such a tech-person. His posts are on his clinic and his nurses and views on everyday news.  Well, I don't agree all his view but they are his opinions, and he has a right to them.  A good one today (In response to what's going on in the country right now),

A man came home from work and his children ran to him and called out “Ayah! Ayah!”
His neighbor got very upset and said to him, “Can you please tell your children not to call you ‘Ayah’?”
The man asked, “Why?”
The neighbor retorted, “Because my children call me ’Ayah’ too. They might get confused and mistake you to be their father.”

Then, I started following Pokku ( and Kak Teh.  I started blog-hopping and started read many many other blogs, from all over the globe.  One day I found one that turned out to be someone from the office.  Then, another day I found another one that turned out to be family....

Back to Pokku. Pokku blog is all about Terengganu dolu-dolu and on GanuSpeak i.e. speaking the Terengganu style. Most of Pokku's stories would be using the GanuSpeak whenever there are conversation. One time I actually even followed Pokku's on-line radio, and had a good time chatting with him on-line. It was fun, I was known to him as 'Orang Taiping'... but that was it.  But I will forever love this piece from Pokku, posted way way back in October 2004;

Like I mentioned previously, mujo encapsulate a philosophy in itself. It means one should thank God that it is not worse. Time for an illustration.

(Cut to a scene of 3 village ladies in their kemban washing clothes by the village well)

Mok Long Selamoh: Guane doh adik mung Mek?
(How is your brother Mek?)

Mok Teh Som :Bakpe pulok adik dia?
(What happened to her brother?)

Mok Long Selamoh: Laaa! Mung dok tau ke Som?
(You don't know Som?)

Mok Teh Som : Dok tau setarang kita.
(I don't know anything)

Mok Long Selamoh: Adik Mek ni kena langgor lori kemareng.
(Mek's brother was knocked down by a lorry yesterday)

Mek Beso : Bukang lori Mok Long, beng ikang!
(It wasn't a lorry Mok Long, it was a fish van)

Mok Long Selamoh: Mujo bukang lori!
(Lucky it wasn't a lorry)

Mok Teh Som : Pah tu? Terok ke?
(Then? Was he seriously injured?)

Mek Beso :Kaki patah sebelah......
(One leg was broken)

Mok Teh Som : Mujo dok patoh dua dua
(Lucky both legs weren't broken)

Mok Long Selamoh : Tu pong mujo dreba beng dang brek.
(It was lucky that the van driver braked in time)

Mek Beso : Mujo beng tu dok laju..
(Lucky the van wasn't going fast..)

(Fade to black.)

If both legs were broken, the response would be "Mujo dok pecoh pala" (Lucky the head wasn't broken). If the head WAS broken, the response would be "Mujo dok mati" (Lucky he didn't die). If the worst happened and the brother died, the mujo would still surface.

"Mujo lah bukang adik kita" (Lucky it wasn't my brother). You get the drift.

Mujo. A nice word. Adopt it. Embrace it. It will preserve your sanity.


  1. Welcome to the blogging fraternity! You are in good company.
    Thank you for the kind words. Radio Pencen is off air now - too much time needed and too little to spare. Di Bawah Ikang Kering is suffering too but I hope I can squeeze in some time for the blog.
    Keep on blogging!

  2. Thank you for the mention. I have always been in touch with my primary school friends. We have been on this long journey together. It is easy to break friendships but it needs a lot of hardwork to keep one.
    Yes, I echo Pok ku, keep on blogging!
