Sunday, January 10, 2010

Gebu, our kitty cat...

This morning our apartment guard came over to our unit and spoke to my hubby about a white cat.  All that my maid could hear was the guard mentioning 'white cat', 'gebu', 'cat from this house'.... by then, she had all sorts of thoughts going through her mind. An accident is foremost in her mind, she was so scared, so gabra already. Gebu is her fav.

Then, my hubby went down to our neighbour's and then he called up for my maid.  It turned out that our little adventurer (and she's not that little anyway) has gotten herself stuck in between my neighbour's glass sliding door and grill that's been covered with netting. She'd gotten herself pretty well wedged inside and couldn't move at all, poor thing!  A long umbrella, my maid managed to pull her out of her predicament.  Took her home and gave a good bath.  She was so dirty, so smelly and so so traumatised. She stayed home the whole day today!  He he he.   And all this while, I was blissfully sleeping in my warm bed, dreaming of something that I can't remember anymore..............  well, it is Sunday!

My theory was she was chasing after a mouse and got herself stuck.  Hubby theory was she was running away from Lily (our wheel-chaired bound neighbour, and know to be not so friendly toward cats!).  Well, it could be both but only Gebu knows what actually happened, right?

Below is Gebu with brother Lembu.  They both 2 years old. See how her fact and feet seems to get darker and darker.  Gebu is siamese mix-breed obviously but why is Lembu totally different?  They were born of the same mother and at the same time... How Lembu got his name? In another post...

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